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Fibonaccci Series in C++ without...
By Guest on 9th July 2023 10:51:58 AM | Syntax: CPP | Views: 138

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  1.     #include <iostream>  
  2.     using namespace std;  
  3.     int main() {  
  4.       int n1=0,n2=1,n3,i,number;    
  5.      cout<<"Enter the number of elements: ";    
  6.      cin>>number;    
  7.      cout<<n1<<" "<<n2<<" "; //printing 0 and 1    
  8.      for(i=2;i<number;++i) //loop starts from 2 because 0 and 1 are already printed    
  9.      {    
  10.       n3=n1+n2;    
  11.       cout<<n3<<" ";    
  12.       n1=n2;    
  13.       n2=n3;    
  14.      }    
  15.        return 0;  
  16.        }

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